hi i am creating a program in vb.net which display decimal, octal, hexadecimal, binary in textbox...i was hopeing me if someone can give a start...im completely new to vb
thks you

Dim no = 456
Dim bin=Convert.ToString(no, 2) '<-----Convert.ToString(value,radix)
Dim oct=Convert.ToString(no, 8) '<-----Convert.ToString(value,radix)


how can i displays in a textbox?? still lost ......

anyone know how can i display decimal octal hexadecimal , binary number in the textbox...do i hve to type all those numbers frm 1 through 255 manually or is there code to it

This is what i got so for decimal number , still code doesnt kind of work help plz

Public Class Form1
Dim no = 456
Dim bin = Convert.ToString(no, 2) '<-----Convert.ToString(value,radix)
Dim oct = Convert.ToString(no, 8) '<-----Convert.ToString(value,radix)
Private Sub doloopwhile_load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim counter As Integer = 1 'decimal number
outputtxtdisply.text& = counter & ""
counter += 1
Loop While counter > 255

End Sub

Private Sub txtdisplay_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtdisplay.TextChanged

End Sub
End Class

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