I have made a project in vb with oracle 9i at back end....its almost complete...
however i can't code the previous button on d form...

i used rs.moveprevious property but it generates an error...


What kind of error is generated? Paste the code and show us on which line the error occurred.


If (rs2.BOF) Then
MsgBox ("First Record")
loadrec rs2
End If

Error:(on rs2.moveprevious)
runtime error 3219
Operation not allowed in dis context.

Try to change the rs2.MovePrevious to after loadrec rs2. The error seems to be raised before the rewcord is opened or reading for a BOF.

If (rs2.BOF) Then
MsgBox ("First Record")
loadrec rs2
End If

hey thanx for replying.!!
But d code u suggested is generating d same error at d same statement(rs2.MovePrevious). Is der ny odr way to perform move previous operation i.e widout using MovePrevious property??

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