like the thread title said i need the best C book for never programmed person can you please tell me it

The C programming Language..

There is lot of books for C. But all depends upon you. What type of book you required and prefer. I will only recommend follow whatever book you like and do practice and more practice. Try to create new programs and explore thing in details.

iam felling lost :( what to do

just learn from c for dummies ????

iam learning from pdfs

so not hard

any recommends ?

I recommend not starting with books. They will only confuse you by presenting you with an information overload and a thousand words dealing with the language that you've never heard before. Just start by using the internet. Google "c++ beginner tutorial" or something similar to that.

1 question only i need help in because iam going to use pdf books

which better

learn c in 21 days
c for dummies 2nd edition

well it all depends on your style of learning , sometimes the dummies books can be an hindrance rather that a help, go to a book shop flick through a couple, and then buy them on-line cheaper if you feel they are any good

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