
I am writing a jni wrapper for c++ api's
the c++ dll is on linux, so i get a .so shared library.
I am working on windows, using vc++ 6.0.
can i include the .so shared library in my workspace in vc++.
when i do it i get the error

libStrategy.so : fatal error LNK1136: invalid or corrupt file

can you plz give me some solution.
is that , windows and linux having conflict:-)

No, you'll have to compile and link on Windows.
A .so is the Linux equivalent of a DLL and is platform specific (just as are DLLs to Windows and OS/2 (OS/2 has DLLs though not compatible with Windows DLLs)).

That's the problem using platform dependent libraries, they have to exist on each platform in a version specific to that platform.

how should i execute it from linux .
i have never worked with it

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