I just found this tough question in the last year Q Paper of this competition...1st how can I take inputs in a single line??(noob question) 2nd Can any1 help me with the logic to use...If u cud write a small eg. prog I would be greatly thankful NOTE:I had also posted this quetion before but it had many errors. I have edited it and reposted it :

Question 1 Vogon zoo

On the icy planet Zorg, the Vogons are putting together a zoo. One cage will house a
collection of Kubudu dragons. Unlike the limited number of blood types found in other
creatures, Kubudu dragons have a large variety of blood types. Each dragon's blood type is fixed when it is born and is given by a positive integer.

These blood types determine how the dragons interact with each other. Two dragons
whose blood types are close to each other will quickly start fighting and eventually destroy each other. At any given time, there is a threshold K such that it is safe to put two Kubudu dragons in the same cage only if their blood types differ by K or more.

A batch of freshly hatched Kubudu dragons has arrived. Each dragon has had its blood
tested and is tagged with its blood type. The Vogon zookeeper would like to determine the size of the largest collection of dragons from this batch that can safely be placed in a single cage. Given the dragons' fighting tendencies, this means that for each pair of dragons in the cage, their blood types should differ by at least K.

For instance, suppose that K is 3 and there are 12 Kubudu dragons whose blood types
are 1, 5, 6, 1, 8, 3, 12, 2, 13, 7, 9 and 11. From this batch, the maximum number of dragons that can be placed safely in the same cage is 4.For example, the dragons with blood types
6, 12, 2 and 9.

You will be given the blood types of N Kubudu dragons and the threshold K. Your task
is to compute the size of the largest group of dragons from this collection that can safely be placed in the same cage.
Input format

The first line of input has two space separated integers N and K, where N is the number
of Kubudu dragons and K is the threshold below which they fight, as described above. The
second line of input consists of N space separated integers, the blood types of the N dragons.

Output format
A single integer, the size of the largest collection of dragons that can be safely placed in the
same cage.

Test data
In all cases, 1 < N < 106. In 30% of the inputs, 1 < N < 5000. The blood types of the
dragons lie in the range 1 to 107.


Sample input
12 3
1 5 6 1 8 3 12 2 13 7 9 11

Sample output

***Your previous thread for the same question****
Why did you create a new thread for the rectification in the question you posted...?
You could have did the correction in the previous thread itself. Moreover it has been answered already in the previous thread.Now its your work to put in a bit of elbow grease to find out the algorithm .

EDIT: In all cases, 1 < N < 106 - It is 10 raised to 6 OR 1000000.

***Your previous thread for the same question****
Why did you create a new thread for the rectification in the question you posted...?
You could have did the correction in the previous thread itself. Moreover it has been answered already in the previous thread.Now its your work to put in a bit of elbow grease to find out the algorithm .

Thanks, but I didn't know how to edit the post...

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