i have problem in running c++ program.iam getting more errors .can u help me to run it.

you mean it won't compile? What compiler and operating system?

you mean it won't compile? What compiler and operating system?

iam using dev-c++ IDE.iam gettin more linker error.i don't know to clear the errors.

You really need to be more specific. Making such generic statements makes it very difficult for us to help you.

A linker error is returned when the implementation for a function you're calling can't be found. This typicallly happens because you either didn't include the proper object file in your linking process or you didn't properly implement a function that you called. Did you include the proper implementation file in your project?

source_en .zip contains all files.Basically i don't know how to run it.if i compile each and every file iam gettin error in #include "   .h" so i combined .h files whereever needed. tats y iam gettin error.iam using dev c++ ide.

Please STOP putting your comments in code tags -- code tags are just for c++ code, not the comments you want to make.

winzip can not open the zip file you posted.

sorry iam new to tis forum.here i attached files.help me to run tis file.
source code is for "arithmetic coding for data compression".

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