can any body help me to find cool topics for miniprojects in SWING like text editor or.....

What do you means topics? Source Code? Just pick out something and start working. Like the simple text editor, get started.

This is just another "I need to think up a subject for my final year project but I'm too stupid to do my own thinking after X years of having others do all my homework for me" topic...

J, we could get rich if we came up with a program that randomly spit out project ideas...don't you think?

yes, I've been thinking about something like that. But it would just get pirated by all those 1337 hax0rz.

can any body help me to find cool topics for miniprojects in SWING like text editor or.....

swings can be used for many stand alone projects, be it hospital management, a marriage bureau, library management or file browser(which I made, it's easy :D ).If u need some more help free to contact me.

Hi everyone,

This is just another "I need to think up a subject for my final year project but I'm too stupid to do my own thinking after X years of having others do all my homework for me" topic...

I couldn't stop laughing after reading your reply jwenting.
Sometimes you really crack me up jwenting

Richard West

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