
Just wondering if it is possible to do this? I have a form that auto-resizes dependent on the resolution of the pc it is run on, but at some resolutions, the windows taskbar overlaps the form buttons. Is there any way to hide the windows taskbar, or do I just have to resize the form and make it's height 60 pixels less or something?

S Bedford

thanks - that worked really well, - just had to put in the code to show the taskbar again, as closing the program leaves it hidden!

S Bedford

I think you should also revert it back if the user switches (Alt-Tab) to another program, not just closing...

Ive got the form set to stay on top - the program i'm making is like an entire frontend system, and I want to hide Windows as completely as is possible, so in theory, the form should keep itself at the front.

On that note though, is there any way to disable system keys in all versions of Windows in one go? Such as alt-f4, ctrl-esc, alt-tab the winkey etc? I can only find ways to do it on win98 and 2000, but these methods only stop the keys in that particular version of Windows.

use the following and set the OnCloseQuery event to call it

procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
application.Messagebox('Sorry you are unable to terminate this application','Close Request Received');


thanks - alt f4 is no longer a problem. I made the form of type stay on top to handle the alt-tab. Now its just the windows key i need to disable to stop the start menu popping up

S Bedford

disabled most of the windows keys - alt tab, and the winkey in windows 98 and 2000, but does anyone know of a way to disable these keys in winxp? Preferably a way using existing delphi coding - ive only found external dll files that can do it so far

S Bedford

disabled most of the windows keys - alt tab, and the winkey in windows 98 and 2000, but does anyone know of a way to disable these keys in winxp? Preferably a way using existing delphi coding - ive only found external dll files that can do it so far

S Bedford

I a require all the above suggestions you have given for Linux operating system.Can you please help.
I want to hide the task bar of linux programmatically.I am using java.Is it possible to do it through a shell script.

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