I'm back guys! This time I'm working on this project for class. I have to make a "point of sale" thingy. I worked on it using GuiGenie. My design has four buttons, and I want to design it in such a way that when I click one of the four buttons, it opens up into another form with buttons. For example, the first form has four buttons: From the Grill, Breaded Fried Cutlets, Sweet and Sour Chopsuey. So if I click "From the Grill" it shows another form.

Here's my code for the Main Menu form:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;

public class MyPanel extends JPanel {
    private JLabel jcomp1;
    private JButton jcomp2;
    private JButton jcomp3;
    private JButton jcomp4;
    private JButton jcomp5;
    private JButton jcomp6;

    public MyPanel() {
        //construct components
        jcomp1 = new JLabel ("Welcome To Shirley's Coffee Shop");
        jcomp2 = new JButton ("From the Grill");
        jcomp3 = new JButton ("Breaded Fried Cutlets");
        jcomp4 = new JButton ("Sweet and Sour");
        jcomp5 = new JButton ("Chopsuey");
        jcomp6 = new JButton ("Cashew Nut Specialties");

        //adjust size and set layout
        setPreferredSize (new Dimension (683, 428));
        setLayout (null);

        //add components
        add (jcomp1);
        add (jcomp2);
        add (jcomp3);
        add (jcomp4);
        add (jcomp5);
        add (jcomp6);

        //set component bounds (only needed by Absolute Positioning)
        jcomp1.setBounds (200, 20, 495, 30);
        jcomp2.setBounds (10, 95, 295, 50);
        jcomp3.setBounds (315, 95, 295, 50);
        jcomp4.setBounds (10, 170, 295, 50);
        jcomp5.setBounds (315, 170, 295, 50);
        jcomp6.setBounds (155, 245, 295, 50);

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame ("MyPanel");
        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
        frame.getContentPane().add (new MyPanel());
        frame.setVisible (true);

So if I click "From the Grill" I want it to open up this form:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;

public class MyPanel extends JPanel {
    private JLabel jcomp1;
    private JButton jcomp2;
    private JButton jcomp3;
    private JButton jcomp4;
    private JButton jcomp5;
    private JButton jcomp6;

    public MyPanel() {
        //construct components
        jcomp1 = new JLabel ("From the Grill");
        jcomp2 = new JButton ("Grilled Boneless Chicken Breast ");
        jcomp3 = new JButton ("Grilled Butter Mahi Mahi Fish Fillet ");
        jcomp4 = new JButton ("Grilled Alaska Salmon Fish Fillet ");
        jcomp5 = new JButton ("Grilled Pork Chop		");
        jcomp6 = new JButton ("Grilled Beef Short Ribs");

        //set components properties
        jcomp2.setToolTipText ("$10.25");
        jcomp3.setToolTipText ("$10.95");
        jcomp4.setToolTipText ("$10.95");
        jcomp5.setToolTipText ("$11.25");
        jcomp6.setToolTipText ("$11.25 ");

        //adjust size and set layout
        setPreferredSize (new Dimension (625, 403));
        setLayout (null);

        //add components
        add (jcomp1);
        add (jcomp2);
        add (jcomp3);
        add (jcomp4);
        add (jcomp5);
        add (jcomp6);

        //set component bounds (only needed by Absolute Positioning)
        jcomp1.setBounds (265, 15, 495, 30);
        jcomp2.setBounds (10, 95, 295, 50);
        jcomp3.setBounds (315, 95, 295, 50);
        jcomp4.setBounds (10, 170, 295, 50);
        jcomp5.setBounds (315, 170, 295, 50);
        jcomp6.setBounds (155, 245, 295, 50);

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame ("MyPanel");
        frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
        frame.getContentPane().add (new MyPanel());
        frame.setVisible (true);

Thanks guys! :)

I don't see any question. What exactly is the problem?

When I click the "From the Grill" button on the Main Menu form, it will open the "From the Grill" form.

Though im not really sure what the problem is, I think what you want is an action listener. Put an action listener on you "From the Grill" button, and then in your action listener code you will check to see if the event 'e' is equal to the button "From the Grill". If it is, then you will draw the other panel instead, something like Frame.setContentPane(GrillPanel).

You'll need to read a little bit about action listeners if you dont know though. Hope this helps, sorry if it doesnt but I didnt really understand the question

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