I'm very sorry for my bad English.
Here is my problem.

class A
    virtual int runAlg() = 0;      //pure virtual
class B: public A
    int runAlg()
    //this is runAlg of B
class C:public B
    int runAlg()
    //here, I need result returned in class B to continue, but How ?
    // I try to do like this
    // B *pB;
    // pB = this;
    // pB->runAlg;  but it will runAlg of C, and meet this statement again, so it causes stack overflow

    //this is runAlg of C

I need result returned in class B to runAlg in class C.
Let consider this situation:

A *pA;
C objC;
pA = & objC;
pA->runAlg()  //it will runAlg of class C

How I can runAlg of class B to get result for running runAlg of class C ??
Thanks !


It've done, Thank you very much.

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