Hi. This program has a function that divides an unsigned arg by another unsigned arg. I want it to only keep outputting "I'm really upset" after the first time it outputs "I'm really upset". Right now it outputs as

I'm really upset
Press any key to continue . . .

I want it to output like this

I'm really upset
I'm really upset
Press any key to continue . . .
using namespace std;

void divide(unsigned a, unsigned b);

int main(){
	divide(3, 4);
	divide(12, 0);

	void divide(unsigned a, unsigned b){
		cout << "I'm really upset" << endl;
		cout << a / b << endl;

Hint: use a bool variable to keep track of whether you've been upset before. Check whether or not b is zero OR the bool variable is set to true.

alright i'll see what I can do thanks for the hint!

I changed the function to

void divide(unsigned a, unsigned b){
	bool c;
		cout << "I'm really upset" << endl;
		c = true;

		cout << "I'm really upset" << endl;
		c = true;
		cout << a / b << endl;

It's not complete but is this the right idea?

See if you can see the problem with if(c[B]=[/B]true) If your two if statements are doing the same thing, why not combine them. The OR in my last post was a clue.

A minor thing: you should initialize c to false explicitly when you define it, just to be sure.

When i put the function as this

void divide(unsigned a, unsigned b){
	bool c;
		cout << "I'm really upset" << endl;
		c = true;
	else if(b=0){
		cout << "I'm really upset" << endl;
		c = true;
		cout << a / b << endl;

it keeps saying it is upset when it is not suppose to.

You need to have c==true (really you only need if(c) because c is a boolean variable) Same for b=0, change it back to b==0

Again, rather than have two blocks in your if do the same thing, use || (or) in the one if statement. "If C is true OR b equals 0"

Ok now I have it as

void divide(unsigned a, unsigned b){
	bool c = false;
	if(b==0 || c==true){
		cout << "I'm really upset" << endl;
		c == true;
		cout << a / b << endl;
		c == false;

but I still don't know how I would keep the bool true once it becomes true.

Can you think of a way (a keyword) to maintain a variable between function calls?

Also, delete line 9 (you don't need to make it false if it already is) and change line 5 to an assignment operator (single equals). Review the difference between assignment(=) and comparison(==) it's important.

alright so it should be

static bool c = false;


Yes! :)

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