why does everyone gets so heated up..when it comes to turbo C++ compiler...can someone give me reasons

Its extrememly dated. If you are in any way serious about programming you will want the best tools you can get for free or for the money available. There are many compilers available for free on the web, and I would say 90% of them outshine turboc.
If you can afford it you want msvc7.1 or maybe msvc8 once its out or comeau. dev-c is good for free and miles better than turbo-c. gcc, borland and msvc7.1 are all available for free as commandline compilers and im sure you can configure emacs etc. to work with them.
Seriously there is no excuse for still using turboc. It belongs in a museum.

why does everyone gets so heated up..when it comes to turbo C++ compiler...can someone give me reasons

It is not a C++ compiler.

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