Hi guys,

I'm dynamically loading a dll that I've written at runtime but for some reason I'm struggling to get the generics working. I keep getting the following error:

Cannot create an instance of XmlPlugin.XmlPlugin`1[T] because Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true

Heres the code that's in the DLL that I'm trying to load..


    public class XmlPlugin<T> : IStoragePlugin<T>


        #region IPlugin Members

        public string Name


            get { return "Xml Plugin"; }


        public string Version


            get { return ""; }


        public string Author


            get { return "John Rudd"; }



        public void write(T obj)




        public string getSupportedTypes()


            return "Xml|*.xml";


        public string iconKey


            get { return "PluginDemo.Resources.dll.bmp"; }


        public T Read()


            return (T)new Object();



Now here's the code that I'm using to load the dll..

if (pt == PluginType.Storage)


                        object o = Activator.CreateInstance(PluginClass, 2) ;


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Please read this MSDN page.

Excerpt : true if the Type object is itself a generic type parameter or has type parameters for which specific types have not been supplied; otherwise, false. Here is another article about Reflection & generics.

Thanks for that. I've done more reading and now have the following bridge to across!

Type d1 = typeof(IStoragePlugin<>);
                            Type[] typeArgs = { typeof(string) };
                            Type makeme = d1.MakeGenericType(typeArgs);
                            object o = Activator.CreateInstance(makeme);
                            IStoragePlugin<string> itsMe = o as IStoragePlugin<string>;
                            Console.WriteLine((itsMe == null) ? "Failed" : "Succeeded");

Now I've got IStoragePlugin but since I don't know what implements this I can't say
XmlPlugin ..... because it might not be. Basically all I know is that the class I want is an IStoragePlugin. Whether thats XML, CSV....

But now I'm faced with the following error:

Cannot create an instance of an interface.

Can this not be done?

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