i need some help over here, as i`m quite new to this program.

i have some problem over on how to create.

i need 1 tab to be on the screen but inside the tag i got 2 button.
the button is auto add on whenever i do update on database.

now wat i need is.
i wan my 1st tab to contain 2 button only, then when i hav 3 button it will auto create a extra tab and put the 3rd button on the tab and so on.

therefor, when i update the database.
like; in the database have 6 button.
there will be 3 tab, each hav 2 button.

if can send me some of similar/sample coding.
i need it asap
thanks a lot

best regards

To Create TabUse Control Array

Load SSTab1(NextIndexValueofTab)' Used to create tab

load Command1(NextIndexValueOfCommand) ' used to create button

Command1(Index).container = SSTab1(Index) ' used to set button on required sstab

Just Try This.
I Had no VB in this system so iam unable to check the code this is my idea

Please set the SSTab And Commabnd1 properties like visible,Top,Left after creaton

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