Having trouble running a do while with a if else statement. I'm getting an error saying the "variable 'distanceM' is being used without being initialized."

int main ()
	const double PI = 3.141592;
	double xM, yTheta, distanceM, thetaRad, thetaDeg, xRad, yRad, X, Y;
	char choice;

	cout << "This program converts a set of polar coordinates ( M , theta in degrees ) to" << endl;
	cout << "their rectangular equivalents ( x, y), or a set of of rectangular coordinates" << endl;
	cout << "to their polar equivalents." << endl;

	cout << "\nEnter the first coordinate ( x or M): ";
	cin >> xM;
	cout << "Enter the second coordinate ( y or theta ): ";
	cin >> yTheta;

	cout << "Enter r or R if these are Rectangular";
	cout << "\nor p or P if they are polar: ";
	cin >> choice;

		if ( 'r' == choice)
			distanceM = sqrt((pow(xM,2))+(pow(yTheta,2)));
			thetaRad = atan(yTheta/xM);
			thetaDeg = (thetaRad) * (180/PI);

			cout << "\nThe Polar Coordinates ( M, theta ) are ( "<< fixed << setprecision(2) << distanceM <<" , "<< thetaDeg <<" )";
		else if ( 'p' == choice)
			xRad = (yTheta)*(PI/180);
			yRad = (yTheta)*(PI/180);
			X = distanceM*(cos(xRad));
			Y = distanceM*(sin(yRad));

			cout << "\nThe Rectangular Coordinates ( x, y ) pair is ( "<< fixed << setprecision(2) << X <<" , "<<Y<<" )";
	} while(1);

	getchar ();
	return (0);

Can anyone help me out?

This program doesn't calculate distancem when p is pressed. Try moving line 24 outside if statement.

Thank you i jus noticed my error distanceM on line 34 & 35 is supposed to be variable Xm. Now im getting an issue though with my do while loop it won't break

You are reading input only once, it should be in loop.

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