bool is_prime(int a)
     if(a==1){return false;}
     if(a<4){return true;}
     if(a%2==0){return false;}
     if(a<9){return true;}
     if(a%3==0){return false;}
     int i;
                           if(a%i==0){return false;}
                           if(a%(i+2)==0){return false;}
     return true;

critique welcome.

You could simplify 3-7: if(a || a<4 || !(a&1) || a<9 || !(a%3)) return(false);

would that be better?

Just easier to read.

really! you find that easier to read?

If find it easier than going through each line and staring at a solid block of text.

ok but i find following one statement after another easier than trying to evaluate 3 or 4 in one go. thanks for comments and i will keep them in mind.

You can also remove a<4 because you already have a<9.

no then line 5 would return false if a=2

i realise there is no error checking for a<1 but as the title says "simple"

no reply?

no reply?


a<9 excludes all values below 9, so...

yes but 2 would be evaluated before that

if a valid prime number return true or false
int is_prime(int _iVal)
    char bPrime;
    bPrime = true;
    for (int ii(2); ii < _iVal / 2; ii++)
        if (!(_iVal % ii)){
            bPrime = false;
    return bPrime;

Would be better

still pretty new at this but i don't get this

char bPrime;
    bPrime = true;

bPrime is a bool not a char.

The return being a false or truth also means that it should be bool is_prime(...) not int is_prime(...)

is_prime(5);//returns true
is_prime(8);//returns false

char bPrime is the returned value true or false

so you're returning a char value from an int function with a bool value?

Check to see if a valid prime number
bool is_prime(int _iVal)
    bool bPrime;
    bPrime = true;
    for (int ii(2); ii < _iVal / 2; ii++)
        if (!(_iVal % ii)){
            bPrime = false;

    return bPrime;

Should be thus & returns 1 or 0
Point taken I didn't write the function got off the forum sometime ago. Did not spot that nice one.

maybe just me being a noob but that looks like shit!

maybe just me being a noob but that looks like shit!

How so? It's very straightforward in fashion.

It could use a little cleaning up, but it looks fine for the most part.

ok find all the primes from 10000000-20000000 with each one and time it.

why go as far as i_Val/2?

ok find all the primes from 10000000-20000000 with each one and time it.


Title "simple prime checker" ?

square root is far enough


well how else you going test it?

still waiting for a clarification on this

You can also remove a<4 because you already have a<9.

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