I am a beginner who is trying to write a small piece of code which holds down the FN key and presses the F10 key. I think this is called a keypress or keydown. I have a brain injury which causes memory problems and makes it very difficult for me to program but I normaly get the results and learn well from examples. I say this because I just want any reader to know I am not too lazy to learn but I do learn better by examples.
The plan is to make a small program which I can add to my startup folder which will automatically depress the keys FN + F10 when my laptop boots. This will then automatically switch on my network card rather than me having to do this manually each time I boot up. Any help writing this code would be a bonus, thanks in advance.

kvprajapati commented: Get well soon. :) +12

>I have a brain injury which causes memory problems and makes it very difficult for me to program

Dear jasper54321,

I'm so sorry to hear that. I am sending you healing energies (Faith) and trust that you will be well and cured. ;)

>The plan is to make a small program which I can add to my startup folder which will automatically depress the keys FN + F10 when my laptop boots.

You need to handle KeyDown event to capture FN keys.

Well thanks for that however I am still not cured so it seems either the faith never arrived or if it did it never worked. I am assuming you are the Jehovah witness who knocked on the door this morning, in which case I apologise for my neighbour’s dog biting your ass. You should have said you was from Daniweb, I would have let you in to work on my project to save me doing it. Thank you for your reply and stating the obvious.

I give up, thanks anyway.

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