hi i m abhi
i have one file containing some info like
LT19-10-13-400922 --TID1-3039 1--RequestREGISTER
LT19-10-13-405432 --TID1-3039 1--Response100
LT19-10-13-410015 --TID1-3039 1--Response401
LT19-10-13-415481 --TID1-3039 2--RequestREGISTER
LT19-10-13-419800 --TID1-3039 2--Response100

where LT19-10-13-400922 is log time ,,i.e. 19 hr. 10 min. 13 seconds 400922 usec. and i want this to convert only in second that is (19*3600+ 10*60 + 13). i want other out put file with these values.

waiting for early respone
Thanks in Advance:)

Try this:

use strict;
use warnings;
open (OUT, ">newfile.txt");
	my ($time,$rest)=split(/ --/,$_,2);
	my ($hours,$mins,$secs,$usec)=split(/\-/,$time);
	my $newsec=$hours*3600+$mins*60+$secs;
	print OUT "LT$newsec --$rest\n";
close OUT;

LT19-10-13-400922 --TID1-3039 1--RequestREGISTER
LT19-10-13-405432 --TID1-3039 1--Response100
LT19-10-13-410015 --TID1-3039 1--Response401
LT19-10-13-415481 --TID1-3039 2--RequestREGISTER
LT19-10-13-419800 --TID1-3039 2--Response100

The DATA section can be read from another file.

Output (newfile.txt):

LT69013 --TID1-3039 1--RequestREGISTER
LT69013 --TID1-3039 1--Response100
LT69013 --TID1-3039 1--Response401
LT69013 --TID1-3039 2--RequestREGISTER
LT69013 --TID1-3039 2--Response100

I noticed your time values are all the same. I didn't know if you wanted just the seconds, or the LT+seconds or the rest of each line, so I put them all back in.

Thanks mitchems for your early response :)
I suppose my time.txt file containing the contents like

19-10-13-400922 TID1-3039 1RequestREGISTER
19-10-13-405432 TID1-3039 1Response100
19-10-13-410015 TID1-3039 1Response401
19-10-13-415481 TID1-3039 2RequestREGISTER
19-10-13-419800 TID1-3039 2Response100
19-10-13-426400 TID2-3039 1RequestREGISTER

and i have modified the code as below

#!perl -w

use strict;
use warnings;

open(INPUT, "<time.txt");
open (OUT, ">newfile.txt");
    my ($time,$rest)=split(/ --/,$_,2);
    my ($hours,$mins,$secs,$usec)=split(/\-/,$time);
    my $newsec=$hours*3600+$mins*60+$secs;
    print OUT "LT$newsec --$rest\n";

close INPUT;
close OUT;

but its giving following errors

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at check.pl line 14, <INPUT> line 1.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at check.pl line 14, <INPUT> line 2.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at check.pl line 14, <INPUT> line 3.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at check.pl line 14, <INPUT> line 4.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at check.pl line 14, <INPUT> line 5.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at check.pl line 14, <INPUT> line 6.

help me out plzzzz
thanks alot

hey mitchems in output file $rest part is not writing in newfile.txt
the problem at line 14 i.e. print OUT "LT$newsec --$rest\n";

The problem is that your original example file had lines of:

LT19-10-13-400922 --TID1-3039 1--RequestREGISTER

And your new one has:

19-10-13-400922 TID1-3039 1 RequestREGISTER

The "--" is missing from the new file. I split on the " --". If it is not there $rest is not initialized, which is giving you both errors. If you wish to fix it, split on something other than " --" (for example split on space).

Like this:

use strict;
use warnings;

open(INPUT, "<time.txt");
open (OUT, ">newfile.txt");
my ($time,$rest)=split(/ /,$_,2); #/\t/ if tab delimited
my ($hours,$mins,$secs,$usec)=split(/\-/,$time);
my $newsec=$hours*3600+$mins*60+$secs;
print OUT "$newsec $rest\n";
close INPUT;
close OUT;

It would be helpful if you posted the actual format of the input file. Also, I don't know if your file is space of tab delimited. See above.

Thank u very much mitchem
yes i had mistaken............now its solved,,,
hope u will help further ...........Mr. Perl GURU :)

Good morning all,
here i have some probs. in logic if possible just solved it
i have a text file contains following data.....
69013 1-3039-1 REGISTER
69013 1-3039-1 100
69013 1-3039-1 401
69013 1-3039-2 REGISTER
69013 1-3039-2 100
69013 2-3039-1 REGISTER
69013 3-3039-1 REGISTER
69013 4-3039-1 REGISTER
69013 1-3039-2 200
69013 2-3039-1 100
69013 2-3039-1 401
69023 193-3039-2 100
69023 193-3039-2401
69023 222-3039-1 REGISTER
69023 177-3039-2 100
69024 177-3039-2401
69024 214-3039-1 100
69024 214-3039-1 401
69024 214-3039-2 REGISTER
69024 223-3039-1 100
69024 223-3039-1 401
69024 223-3039-2 REGISTER
For first 10 second records
i wanna no. of count of 401 where 401's and REGISTER's TIDs are same.
i wanna no. of count of 200 where 200's and REGISTER's TIDs are same.
i wanna no. of count of different REGISTER's TIDs. (that is no. of different TIDs ending with 1 (1-3039-1 or 2-3039-1) and ending with two (1-3039-2 or 1-3039-2)).

help me out if u can perl guru............
thanks in adv. :)

Start a new thread. This one is solved.

k thanks

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