Hi im kinda new to c++ and dont know mutch aboute unsolved externals

this is what i get:

pices.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: int __thiscall Pices::MovePawn(int,int,int,int,struct Piece (* const)[12])" (?MovePawn@Pices@@AAEHHHHHQAY0M@UPiece@@@Z) referenced in function "public: int __thiscall Pices::MovePlayer(int,int,int,int,struct Piece (* const)[12])" (?MovePlayer@Pices@@QAEHHHHHQAY0M@UPiece@@@Z)
pices.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: int __thiscall Pices::MoveKing(int,int,int,int,struct Piece (* const)[12])" (?MoveKing@Pices@@AAEHHHHHQAY0M@UPiece@@@Z) referenced in function "public: int __thiscall Pices::MovePlayer(int,int,int,int,struct Piece (* const)[12])" (?MovePlayer@Pices@@QAEHHHHHQAY0M@UPiece@@@Z)
pices.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: int __thiscall Pices::MoveBishop(int,int,int,int,struct Piece (* const)[12])" (?MoveBishop@Pices@@AAEHHHHHQAY0M@UPiece@@@Z) referenced in function "public: int __thiscall Pices::MovePlayer(int,int,int,int,struct Piece (* const)[12])" (?MovePlayer@Pices@@QAEHHHHHQAY0M@UPiece@@@Z)
pices.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: int __thiscall Pices::MoveKnite(int,int,int,int,struct Piece (* const)[12])" (?MoveKnite@Pices@@AAEHHHHHQAY0M@UPiece@@@Z) referenced in function "public: int __thiscall Pices::MovePlayer(int,int,int,int,struct Piece (* const)[12])" (?MovePlayer@Pices@@QAEHHHHHQAY0M@UPiece@@@Z)
pices.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: int __thiscall Pices::MoveRook(int,int,int,int,struct Piece (* const)[12])" (?MoveRook@Pices@@AAEHHHHHQAY0M@UPiece@@@Z) referenced in function "public: int __thiscall Pices::MovePlayer(int,int,int,int,struct Piece (* const)[12])" (?MovePlayer@Pices@@QAEHHHHHQAY0M@UPiece@@@Z)
C:\Documents and Settings\Alexander\Mina dokument\Visual Studio 2010

this is the pice header

struct Piece
	char colorPiece;  // color = B(lack) or W(hite)
	char typePiece;     //Type = The type of Pices
	int	 health;

class Pices
	int MovePlayer(int pieceX, int pieceY, int destinationX, int destinationY, struct Piece Chessboard[12][12]);
	int MoveRook(int pieceX, int pieceY, int destinationX, int destinationY, struct Piece Chessboard[12][12]);
	int MoveBishop(int pieceX, int pieceY, int destinationX, int destinationY, struct Piece Chessboard[12][12]);
	int MovePawn(int pieceX, int pieceY, int destinationX, int destinationY,  struct Piece Chessboard[12][12]);
	int MoveKing(int pieceX, int pieceY, int destinationX, int destinationY, struct Piece Chessboard[12][12]);
	int MoveKnite(int pieceX, int pieceY, int destinationX, int destinationY, struct Piece Chessboard[12][12]);

#endif // Picess_h__

this is how i call movePlayer

Pices.MovePlayer( x, y, destinationX, destinationY, Chessboard)

witch calls the other functions in this way


Looks like you haven't included the cpp files in the project (or didn't actually implement the member functions of Pices ).

Also, you know that a chess board is 8x8, right? Not 12x12.

i know but this project got 12,but thanks forgot to change some declarations in the ai functions

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