I am a beingger for using Python,now I am doing a palindrome program,but I have tried many time it still doenst work, can anyone help me to fix it??Thanks a lot!!!!!

Here is the code:

s=input("Enter alphabetic characters: ")
def palindrome(s):
    while index<len(s):
        if s[index]==s[-1-index]:
            index +=1
            return True
        return False
if palindrome(s)==True:
    print ("This is alphabetic characters")
    print ("This is not alphabetic characters")

you should check only half way of the word discarding non-alphabet letters in multiword case. Your print should say palindrome. There is also simple way of checking if word is equal to it reversed.

I am not quite sure how to fix it....
can you tell me more details?
Thank you~

We usually get the palindrome homework questions earlier in the year. To solve your problem, add some print statements at the very least:

s=input("Enter alphabetic characters: ")
def palindrome(s):
    while index<len(s):
        print "comparing", s[index], s[-1-index], "for index", index
        if s[index]==s[-1-index]:
            index +=1
            print "returning True"
            return True
        print "returning False"
        return False
if palindrome(s)==True:
    print ("This is alphabetic characters")
    print ("This is not alphabetic characters")

We usually get the palindrome homework questions earlier in the year. To solve your problem, add some print statements at the very least:

s=input("Enter alphabetic characters: ")
def palindrome(s):
    while index<len(s):
        print "comparing", s[index], s[-1-index], "for index", index
        if s[index]==s[-1-index]:
            index +=1
            print "returning True"
            return True
        print "returning False"
        return False
if palindrome(s)==True:
    print ("This is alphabetic characters")
    print ("This is not alphabetic characters")

Thank you~~but sometimes it doesnt work~~such as:"afhhjkloia" it will show it is palindrome

you should check only half way of the word discarding non-alphabet letters in multiword case. Your print should say palindrome. There is also simple way of checking if word is equal to it reversed.

I am not quite sure how to fix it....
can you tell me more details?
Thank you~

At least read the output printed by your script ! woooee has been nice enough to add traces to your script, don't expect s/he isn't going to DO IT for you.
HINT: How many times do you expect " print "comparing", s[index], s[-1-index], "for index", index " to be executed and check how many time is it actually executed.

At least read the output printed by your script ! woooee has been nice enough to add traces to your script, don't expect s/he isn't going to DO IT for you.
HINT: How many times do you expect " print "comparing", s[index], s[-1-index], "for index", index " to be executed and check how many time is it actually executed.

Thank you~~~ I am trying it,hope it can work~

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