hello everybody,

I've started to learn pyGTK and glade for a program i'm doing,
and i've run into some problems:

1. Is there no way to change the size of a specific text when using glade? for example, a window title, a label text etc.

2. In the Gnome widgets, when choosing to use a druid, how can you configure the buttons of the wizard? (forward, back, cancel, help) and is there a possible way to change their title and add more buttons?

Tough questions... :rolleyes:
simple answers?

Using Dev-C++ or Python with Windows, I found GTK one of the more frustrating GUI libraries, but it may work better under Linux. Just my limited opinion.

hello everybody,

I've started to learn pyGTK and glade for a program i'm doing,
and i've run into some problems:

1. Is there no way to change the size of a specific text when using glade? for example, a window title, a label text etc.

The only way I've found to change the text size, is using the set_markup attribute of the label widget.
But you must first enable the markup usage in the label widget properties window in glade.

Check the gtk widgets documentation and look inside the label widget so you see all the methods it has.

GUI.LabelWidget.set_markup('<big><big><big>INSERT YOUR BIG TEXT HERE</big></big></big>')

I hope its not too late hehe. Good luck!

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