Guys I was just wondering if I could do something like this in my report;

There would be more than 8 table controls in the report(.rdlc) and each would hold records that has specific values on specific fields.

The fields in my database table are;
1. Year
2. Semester
3. Subcode
4. Description
5. Units
and others...

What those tables in my report(.rdlc) contain would depend on their Year and Semester fields. That is, my first table (in my report) would display records whose Year value is "1st Year" and whose Semester value is "First Semester".

If this is possible, could you please tell me how?

You can probably use a filter on the table you have on your report. Have you tried using filters on your report before?

Yes, but it did not work. I think it cannot be filtered that way because the table controls in my .rdlc file comes from only one database table. If I am going to filter the table from my database (using the bindingsource.filter method) I think it will not give me the desired result. But thanks for the try anyway...

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