I need some help with the toupper code.

int main()
char pick;
printf("A. Local needs\n");
printf("B. Local Service\n");
scanf("%d",& pick);
switch (pick)
case 'a':
printf("Hello World");
case 'b':
printf("Hello Nation");
return 0;

How would i implement the toupper code so i could change pick to upper case if the user entered a common letter. And do i have to # include anything at the top to use toupper?

Hello slygoth,
You should include ctype.h for using toupper.
To convert lowercase letter to uppercase you should give


If the user enters 'a' you can convert it to 'A' using the above.

commented: thanks arbus +1

I need some help with the toupper code.

int main()
char pick;
printf("A. Local needs\n");
printf("B. Local Service\n");
scanf("%d",& pick);
switch (pick)
case 'a':
printf("Hello World");
case 'b':
printf("Hello Nation");
return 0;

How would i implement the toupper code so i could change pick to upper case if the user entered a common letter. And do i have to # include anything at the top to use toupper?

Q1) Do you know what %d does in your scanf() call?
Q2) What does the documentation say about using toupper() ?
Q3) Has anyone taught you how to format your code? If not, see this

THanks Waltp i was just writing peace of the code not all of it. But Arbus answer was really helpful and thats the exact thing i wanted

THanks Waltp i was just writing peace of the code not all of it. But Arbus answer was really helpful and thats the exact thing i wanted

Maybe so, but what I wrote was something you needed. There's a difference.

I would just bitwise "or" with 0x20 (ie. a |= 0x20;) . If 'A' it becomes 'a'. If 'a' it stays 'a'.

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