This is my first question on this forum. I am planning to design an application for Voice recognition and comparison and i want to make a choice from java / C#.

I dont know much about speech API provided for java/c#. Anybody would please suggest me what language would be preferable for this along with some best practices to follow is any.

Thanks in advance


Hi Sachin, welcome on DaniWeb.
Be it Java or C#, do it in the language you feel most comfortable with. For me this would be C# :)
Google speech or voice recognition: lots of things out there.

Thanks ddanbe for your quick reply and suggestion. I would try to explore API provided by Microsoft. I guess those would be free.

Hi Sachin, welcome on DaniWeb.
Be it Java or C#, do it in the language you feel most comfortable with. For me this would be C# :)
Google speech or voice recognition: lots of things out there.

Check out the System.Speech.Recognition namespace. I used the API to speak xome words a long time ago and it seemed easy to use.

This thread is more than three months old

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