Hey Guys,

I am developing an APP using WxWidgets and some other cross platform frameworks. Then there is a new need into the project to use Bluetooth as a transmitter of Data between 2 devices.

I have been using the Mingw compiler all along for developing my app and suddenly on a quick google search realised that I am unable to find a good reference page by which I can program .

So I was wondering if anyone could help me out on this library. Or just BlueTooth programming specifically for the Mingw.

Thank You in Advance.

I was wondering if anyone could help me out on this library

Which library are you trying to use for the Bluetooth?

Which library are you trying to use for the Bluetooth?

I am sorry for not making much sense in the above post.
Actually, I didn't choose a library yet. I needed to consider options and was wondering if all the dani-webbers could suggest a library that I could use.

Look for libraries that support CMake, as that makes life much easier when setting things up to compile. The libraries will specify that they are compatible with it, or look for .cmake files in the main directory.

Otherwise, I don't know any specific libraries, but it looks like there's a wireless SDK for XP and Vista. Those are probably best used with Visual Studio, but I don't know that for sure.

Thank You Jonsca, I am unable to decide how I should go ahead on deciding which library to use. I am not aware of the libraries that I can use too.

I found the microsoft bluetooth library with a few header files and a .lib file.

Can I use to "reimp" and "dlltool" to convert the lib file into a .dll and then use it through MINGW?
I need help on that.

Can I use to "reimp" and "dlltool" to convert the lib file into a .dll and then use it through MINGW?

I've never done that, sorry. I'm sure there's someone around that has. A lot of the libs I use, I end up using with Visual C++ because I've found it to be the path of least resistance. I'll post back if I run into anything, though.

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