I'm making a system cleaner on C++ and what would be the best project to use?
@ Windows forms application
@ Empty project
@ Win32 project
@ Win32 Console application

Note: This project has to have interface it's not console based! Reason why there is console app is you could use windows form from there. Which one should i use?

win32 project will require you to learn details of win32 api functions. That can be very time consuming with about a year's learning curve to learn it well. You can do useful things in a lot less time than that.

Windows Forms is grad-and-drop, but is C++/CLR, not c++. C++/CLR is a slightly different language, but not difficult to pick up if you already know c++. You will have to learn how to use Windows Forms and how to make the buttons and other objects you put on the form do things, such as writing event handlers for them.

Empty Project: not very useful unless you already have code and just need a project to put them in.

Pick 1 i don't care how hard it is i just want to make good cleaner what did ccleaner use or comodo system cleaner

Pick 1 i don't care how hard it is

This is your project, dude. Do some research and pick it yourself. CCleaner and Comodo are probably Win32 or MFC. However, if you're not already familiar with Win32 or MFC, the learning curve is not insignificant. Windows Forms is easier to learn, in my opinion. However, the .NET framework implies a certain measure of overhead because it sits on top of the base API whereas with Win32 you're pretty much at the lowest level (MFC is only a thin C++ wrapper over Win32).

One thing to note is that you can use console windows from a non-console project just as easily as using GUI windows from a console project.

So do you think i should stick with windows form applications the thing worries me i already started the design on forms app half way thourgh but what if something i wanted to do doesnt work on form apps?

So do you think i should stick with windows form applications

I think you should do some research and decide on your own, but clearly you're not going to do that.

what if something i wanted to do doesnt work on form apps?

It's possible to drop down to a lower level with Windows Forms should the need arise. If you find something you can't do design-wise with Forms that you can with Win32, it's probably more a matter of ignorance of the framework than a weakness of the framework.

Not design wise code wise function wise? i cant choose windows form application or Win32? OMG! :D

Not design wise code wise function wise? i cant choose windows form application or Win32? OMG! :D

Maybe you're not ready for this project.

I'm i just want to make the best and i don't know which one is i always worked with windows form applications i don't know what others are capable of doing

I have found experimentation to be a good teacher. Create an empty win32 application project then read through this tutorial. That will give you some basic knowledge of what's all involved in coding a program using win32 api C-style functions (all win32 api functions are C, not of them are c++, although they can be called from c++ and other languages).

I think you will quickly realize windows forms is a lot easier to code.

I think I should just use windows form application you think? I'm not pro i got website www.nyeotech.com i thinking about making a second product so i'm confused the issue is I'm the only guy in the company LOL!

Ancient what is your msn let me send you what i done till now.

Do you have appropriate permissions from program authors to package all those programs into a single download, and in writing? If not then your web site may be violating copyright laws and you could get sued.

Ancient what is your msn let me send you what i done till now.

Sorry. I don't do private tutoring.

I got permission from some i emailed them. Some didn't answer when i finish my second program hopefully i will resend emails

I decided. I'm doing it on windows form applications.

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