I have to insert data into a database table using jsp and jdbc, query the table data and convert it into an xml file. I am using NetBeans IDE. I'm really stuck and i have a project due. Please do help:'(.
Thanks in advance.

If you have no problems reading the information from the database and you get to save it in variables... Check out this tutorial on creating an XML file using the DOM classes...

If you have no problems reading the information from the database and you get to save it in variables... Check out this tutorial on creating an XML file using the DOM classes...

Thanks for your reply.:)
Al the data from the table must be retrieved using select statement and xml file must be created using this resultset. In the link u gave we are manually inserting text.

if you think about it, what is a resultset? It's basically a just a String, so break the resultset down into seperate parts and write it to the XML file. I doubt you'll be able to parse a Resultset to create a XML file. You need to parse Strings... So you are going to have to break that resultset into seperate Strings...

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