Hi everyone...., i need some suggestion whether it is possible to perform actions for each click of a single JButton.

What i mean to say that for each click of a single JButton is it possible to perform actions for each time the JButton is clicked?

Please give me some suggestion. Any help from you will highly be appreciated.

Thank you.

That's how a standard ActionListener works anyway. Just Google it.

Thank you sir, for your quick reply. But i have googled it and still googling but no answer. can you please give me some suggestion or some link explaining my problem so that i can able to understand it properly and apply it.

Thank you once again.

Perhaps you Google is broken. I Googled "java button actionlistener" and this was the very first hit:
That tells you all you need, as do any of the next "n" Google hits.

Seriously, being able to find reference material and samples on the web is an essential skill for any software developer - maybe you need to try a bit harder.

Thank you sir for your reply.... It helped me a lot.. Now i can able to understand...

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