hello guys,

I don't have a programming question but a mathematical one but need to implement it in a program. I need a formula the will let me find the X,Y position of Circular motion.

For example: earth travelling around the sun, I would wanna know the X,Y position of the earth at any time.

I've looked online and didn't find anything to help me with this, i hope someone can.

thank you in advance :-)

What do you have to start with? Are you only looking to represent the position of an object in two dimensions? Is time a factor here?

Usually to represent what you are describing one uses spherical coordinates, and there are formulas to convert from cartesian (x,y,z) to spherical coordinates.


What I'm looking for is, for Example, someone running in a perfect circular motion and you above on a hill looking at this person... the formula should tell the x,y position of this person at time t.

yes, it is only 2D and time is a factor.

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