this program does not read display smallest and largest values in order


using namespace std;

int main()

	int sum; 
	int product;
	double average;
	int x,y,z;
	int largest;
	int smallest;
	cout<<" Enter Three Integers of your Choice "<<endl;
	cout<<" *********************************** "<<endl;
	cin>> x >> y >> z;


    smallest = x,y,z;

	largest = x,y,z;

	sum = x + y + z;
	product = x * y * z;

	average = double(sum)/3;
	if( x > y )
		if(x > z)
	if( x < y )
		if(x < z)
	if( y > x )
		if(y > z )
	   y =largest;
	if(y < x )
		if(y < z)
	if( z > y )
		if(z > x)
		z =largest;
	if(z < y )
		if(z < x)
		z = smallest;

	cout<<" Sum "<<" \t "<<" Product "<<" \t "<<" Average "<<"\t"<<"smallest"<<"\t"<<"largest"<<endl;
	cout<<" *** "<<" \t "<<" ******* "<<" \t "<<" ******* "<<endl;
	cout<< sum <<" \t\t "<< product <<" \t\t "<< average <<"\t\t"<<smallest<<"\t\t"<<largest<<endl;


	return 0;


this program does no display smallest and largest in order


using namespace std;

int main()

	int sum; 
	int product;
	double average;
	int x,y,z;
	int largest;
	int smallest;
	cout<<" Enter Three Integers of your Choice "<<endl;
	cout<<" *********************************** "<<endl;
	cin>> x >> y >> z;


    smallest = x,y,z;

	largest = x,y,z;

	sum = x + y + z;
	product = x * y * z;

	average = double(sum)/3;
	if( x > y )
		if(x > z)
	if( x < y )
		if(x < z)
	if( y > x )
		if(y > z )
	   y =largest;
	if(y < x )
		if(y < z)
	if( z > y )
		if(z > x)
		z =largest;
	if(z < y )
		if(z < x)
		z = smallest;

	cout<<" Sum "<<" \t "<<" Product "<<" \t "<<" Average "<<"\t"<<"smallest"<<"\t"<<"largest"<<endl;
	cout<<" *** "<<" \t "<<" ******* "<<" \t "<<" ******* "<<endl;
	cout<< sum <<" \t\t "<< product <<" \t\t "<< average <<"\t\t"<<smallest<<"\t\t"<<largest<<endl;


	return 0;


Good to know. Is there a question in there somewhere??

my program cannot differentiate between smallest and largest, as when i run it display values in a wrong way

All of your assignment statements are backward. You need to reverse them (i.e. x=largest; should be largest=x; ).

Also, this section of code, while syntactically valid, is completely worthless:

smallest = x,y,z;

  largest = x,y,z;

Because of how the comma operator works, and because a variable can only hold a single value, it accomplishes nothing more than this:

smallest = z;

  largest = z;

You'd be better off just initializing them to zero (0) when you declare them...

i no expert but i noticed A LOT of errors.

the error discussed by guys above is a start to the many errors i saw.
i dont know how much this will help you as you seem, what looks like to me very confused, and struggling with ideas,

but this is how i would edit to fix. i left your parts that seemed incorrect or unnecessary but just commented them out


using namespace std;

int main()

	int sum; 
	int product;
	double average;
	int x,y,z;
	int largest;
	int smallest;
	cout<<" Enter Three Integers of your Choice "<<endl;
	cout<<" *********************************** "<<endl;
    cout << "enter 1st integer" << endl;
    cin>> x ;
    cout << "enter 2nd integer" << endl;
    cin >> y;
    cout << "enter 3rd integer" << endl;
	cin >> z;

    //smallest = x,y,z;

	//largest = x,y,z;

	sum = x + y + z;
	product = x * y * z;

	average = (sum)/3;
    if( x > y)
         if(x > z)
         largest = x;
    if( y > x  )
         if(y > z)
         largest = y;
	if( z > y )
         if(z > x)
         largest = z;
    if( x < y)
         if(x < z)
         smallest = x;
    if( y < x  )
         if(y < z)
         smallest = y;
	if( z < y )
         if(z < x)
         smallest = z;
    /*if(y < x )
		if(y < z)
	if( z > y )
		if(z > x)
		z =largest;
	if(z < y )
		if(z < x)
		z = smallest;
	cout<<" Sum   "<<sum<<" Product    "<<product<<" Average    "<<average<< endl;
    cout << "  smallest   "<<smallest<<"   largest   "<< largest <<endl;
	//cout<<" *** "<<" \t "<<" ******* "<<" \t "<<" ******* "<<endl;
    //cout<< sum <<" \t\t "<< product <<" \t\t "<< average <<"\t\t"<<smallest<<"\t\t"<<largest<<endl;

	return 0;


im just learning c++ and know how confused i was towards beginning i hope this helps.
repost questions ill try to clear up what did

commented: What use is it to help people if all you are going to do is correct their program for them? What has he learned? -3
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