i am trying to solve this problem i dont know which object i need to refer to in my main method

using System;

namespace ShapesDemo
    abstract class GeometricFigure
        static void Main(string[] args)

        public int height;
        public int width;
        public readonly double area;

        public int height
            get { return height; }
            set { height = value; }

        public int Width
            get { return width; }
            set { width = value; }
        public  abstract double  ComputeArea();
    class Rectangle : GeometricFigure
        public override double ComputeArea()
            return width * height;


    class Square : Rectangle
        public void equal(int height, int width)
            if (height.Equals(width))
                Console.WriteLine("{0} for {1} has the same messers " +
                    height, width);


    class Triangle : GeometricFigure
        public override double ComputeArea()
            return width * (height / 2);



I don't think your main method belongs to the GeometricFigure class. The main method should go in the ShapesDemo class instead.

Having said that, your project description tells you to accept a GeometricFigure parameter to a method in which it's figures (height, width, area) is displayed. Your method signature should look like this:

private static void DisplayFigureDetails(GeometricFigure shape)

Then you can call the DisplayFigureDetails method for any class that extends the GeometricFigure class (ie Triangle, Rectangle or Square) by passing in your shape, for example:

Square square = new Square(8, 8);

Hope this helps :)

thank you for your help, i kinda need some direction on where to put it ?

I would put the function in your ShapesDemo class along with the main method. Your main method should basically create a bunch of shapes with different sizes and call the DisplayFigureDetails method on each shape.

i am trying to solve it the way you said, i still have error with the square telling me

Shapes.Demo. Rectangle does not contain a constructor that take 0 argument

using System;

namespace ShapesDemo
    abstract class GeometricFigure
         static void Main(string[] args)
        { Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(8,8);
            Square square = new Square(8,8);
           // DisplayFigureResults(square);
            Triangle triangle = new Triangle();
            Console.WriteLine("The Area is:", rectangle.ToString()); }

        public int height ;
        public int width ;
        public readonly double area;

        public int heigth
            get { return height; }
            set { height = value; }

        public int Width
            get { return width; }
            set { width = value; }
       // public double area
       // { get { return area; } }

       public abstract double ComputeArea();

       private static void DisplayFigureDetails(GeometricFigure shape)
        { }
    class Rectangle : GeometricFigure
        private int p;
        private int p_2;

        public Rectangle(int p, int p_2)
            // TODO: Complete member initialization
            this.p = p;
            this.p_2 = p_2;
        public override double ComputeArea()
           Console.WriteLine("The Area is" + width.ToString(), height.ToString());
           return width * height;


    class Square : Rectangle
        private int p;
        private int p_2;

        public  Square(int p, int p_2)
            // TODO: Complete member initialization
            this.p = p;
            this.p_2 = p_2;
        private static void DisplayFigureDetails(GeometricFigure Square) { }
        public void equal(int height, int width)
            if (height.Equals(width))
                Console.WriteLine("{0} for {1} has the same messers " +
                    height, width);

    class Triangle : GeometricFigure
        private static void DisplayFigureDetails(GeometricFigure Triangle){}
        public override double ComputeArea()
            return width * (height / 2);


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