Hey everyone, I have my code written I just have one error I am stuck on, any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

My one error is on line 80 saying "illegal start of expression" pointing at the 'p' of public

import javax.swing.*;
import BreezySwing.*;

public class binary extends GBFrame
 private JLabel ArrayLengthLabel;
 private JLabel DataEntryLabel;
 private JLabel TargetValueLabel;
 private IntegerField ArrayLengthField;
 private IntegerField DataEntryField;
 private IntegerField TargetValueField;
 private JButton SetLengthButton;
 private JButton InsertDataButton;
 private JButton SearchButton;
 int count = 0;
 int search;
 int k = 0;
 boolean exchangeMade = true;
 int temp = 0;
 int[] fin = new int[10];
 int left = 0;
 int right =a.length -1;

	public binary()
	  ArrayLengthLabel = addLabel ("Array Length" ,1,1,1,1);
	  DataEntryLabel = addLabel ("Data Entry" ,1,2,1,1);
	  TargetValueLabel = addLabel ("Target Value" ,1,3,1,1);
	  ArrayLengthField = addIntegerField (0 ,2,1,1,1);
	  DataEntryField = addIntegerField (0 ,2,2,1,1);
	  TargetValueField = addIntegerField (0 ,2,3,1,1);
	  SetLengthButton = addButton ("Set Length" ,3,1,1,1);
	  InsertDataButton = addButton ("Insert Data" ,3,2,1,1);
	  SearchButton = addButton ("Search" ,3,3,1,1);

	public void buttonClicked(JButton buttonObj)
		if(buttonObj == SetLengthButton)
		  int[] fin = new int[ArrayLengthField.getNumber()];
		else if(buttonObj == InsertDataButton)
		  fin[count] = DataEntryField.getNumber();
		while((k < fin.length -1) && exchangeMade)
		  exchangeMade = false;
		  for(int j = 0; j < fin.length - k; j++)
		    if(fin[j] > fin[j+1])
		    temp = fin[j+1];
		    fin[j] = fin[j+1];
		    fin[j] = temp;
		    exchangeMade = true;
		else if(buttonObj == SearchButton)
		  search = TargetValueField.getNumber();
		  while (left <= right)
		  int midpoint = (left + right)/2;
		  if(fin[midpoint] == searchValue)
		    return midpoint;
		  else if (fin[midpoint] < searchValue)
		    left = midpoint + 1;
		    right = midpoint -1;
		return -1;
	public static void main (String[] args)
	binary theGUI = new binary();
	theGUI.setSize(500, 500);

java is strictly:

1/ CaseSensitive

2/ Method Sensitive, (replace binary to myBinary)

maybe someone can help you with error

I tried that, and I am still getting the same thing

I'd look at your braces. That lonely close brace on line 87 tells me that you're out of balance in buttonClicked, and you filled in a brace at the end, but that's not where it's needed.
Go through and fix your indentation. Do it by hand and it should jump out at you.

:-) maybe someone can help you with error :-)

I have checked my braces multiple times, still not getting it

Try putting the main method outside of the buttonClicked method - put it after the closing brace on line 87.

You'll then want to get rid of the "return -1", which is illegal since buttonClicked can't return an int. (or anything) You can also eliminate that unused semicolon, while you're at it.
That may sort things out for you.

jon.kiparsky suggest you put the main jst b4 the last brace of the class as follows

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