It's soon time for me to create some c++ program as a project for my class.
But I have no idea what to do, any suggestions?

scheduler, egg timer, advanced start menu, a better GUI for the windows command prompt, I would be willing to bet there is a list of project ideas on this website somewhere too.

This seems a bit vague. If you're getting problems to solve in a limited time in a test or something, then you can go over theoretical stuff, like syntax

One presumes you have an imagination... so use it!

One presumes you have an imagination... so use it!

Then you would be wrong ;(

This seems a bit vague. If you're getting problems to solve in a limited time in a test or something, then you can go over theoretical stuff, like syntax

We have to have done a program in c++ before we end the course.. which is somewhere at the start of june I think.
Up til now we have just learned some c++ (no shit?) and practised a little with some exercises.
And we should begin to create our program soon, but I don't know what kind of program to make.

How about a soda machine? Insert coins, count money, see if any needs to be returned, and choose a candy bar. The thing is, every time they buy one, you need to keep track so that they can run out. Use a txt file to keep track of it. So, if I run the program today and choose a cola, you have 9 colas remaining in the machine. If I run the program a week from now, you'll have 8 remaining.

Should be fairly simple.

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