i have an error of line 40 illegal start of expression
and line 73 class interface,or enum expected.

im making a 10 random numbers
display them
determine the largest and the smallest number of 10 random numbers


import java.util.Random;

/** Generate random integers in a certain range. */
public final class RandomRange 
  public static final void main(String... aArgs){
    log("Generating random integers in the range 1..10.");
    int START = 1;
    int END = 10;
    Random random = new Random();
    for (int idx = 1; idx <= 10; ++idx)
      showRandomInteger(START, END, random);
  private static void showRandomInteger(int aStart, int aEnd, Random aRandom)
    if ( aStart > aEnd )
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start cannot exceed End.");
    //get the range, casting to long to avoid overflow problems
    long range = (long)aEnd - (long)aStart + 1;
    // compute a fraction of the range, 0 <= frac < range
    long fraction = (long)(range * aRandom.nextDouble());
    int randomNumber =  (int)(fraction + aStart);    
    log("Generated : " + randomNumber);
  private static void log(String aMessage)
    static int GetMax(int[] numbers)

    int maximum = numbers[0];

    for (int i = 1; i < numbers.Length; i++)
        maximum = Math.Max(maximum, numbers[i]);

    return maximum;

static int GetMin(int[] numbers)
    int minimum = numbers[0];

    for (int i = 1; i < numbers.Length; i++)
        minimum = Math.Min(minimum, numbers[i]);

    return minimum;

static void Main()
    int[] numbers = { 32, 17, 45,22,56,79,45,90, 10, 5 };
    int max = GetMax(numbers);
    int min = GetMin(numbers);

Because of line 38, extra opening bracket

still i get the same error

And where is that error? Do not expect that people will do it instead of you. Put some effort in it...

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