Hello! I've got a DLL file that has something like a database inside it, and I need to pull the info out using C# in Visual Studio. I've added the reference to the project, but so far I haven't figured how to pull the data out of the DLL. I've been searching the forum here to no avail, if anyone knows how to do this or has a suggestion that'd be great!

I've got a DLL file that has something like a database inside it

A question to get you started: Is this a native Windows DLL, a .NET assembly, or some other file that just happens to have the DLL extension? In other words, where did this DLL file come from?

The DLL was given to me as part of a project, but it is not a native DLL. I can't be sure if it's a .NET assembly or not though. Sorry for the lack of info!

So I've made some progress using the DLL file. I found that after adding the reference I could find the namespace included in the DLL file as well as one enum and two classes contained within the namespace. Some functions can be found within the enum and classes that I know are meant to be used, but I've yet to figure it out.

I forgot to mention that this is my first time using C#, I've been using VB for a while now and I know C# is fairly similar but I'm definitely a newbie here.

Thanks again to gusano for help, and anyone else who may be able to help me!

So I've made some progress using the DLL file. I found that after adding the reference I could find the namespace included in the DLL file as well as one enum and two classes contained within the namespace.

So it looks like you have a .NET assembly; good.

Some functions can be found within the enum and classes that I know are meant to be used, but I've yet to figure it out.

Do you have any specific questions that we might be able to help with?

You might benefit from using something like .NET Reflector or ILSpy. Decompiling can give you an idea of what the classes and enums are for, if all you have is the assembly (i.e., no documentation, no debug symbols).

I've been using .net reflector to decompile it, but haven't had any luck figuring out which class can help me pull the data out of the DLL. I'm just trying to find if anyone has any experience pulling data (names of products, prices, etc.) out of a DLL file and if so how they managed to do it. I understand that it would likely be specific to each DLL, but a starting point would be very helpful!

I've been using .net reflector to decompile it, but haven't had any luck figuring out which class can help me pull the data out of the DLL. I'm just trying to find if anyone has any experience pulling data (names of products, prices, etc.) out of a DLL file and if so how they managed to do it. I understand that it would likely be specific to each DLL, but a starting point would be very helpful!

The conversation here has been very generic so far, and I wouldn't expect to get much help without more detail. Some amount of system knowledge and being able to identify patterns will both help. Are you able to post the assembly in question? Reverse engineering, at least in my experience so far, is a very hands-on kind of task.

I attached the dll that was given to me for this project. As well as the instructions that were given to me for completing this project since I realize I'm not being very clear. Thanks again for your help!

I attached the dll that was given to me for this project. As well as the instructions that were given to me for completing this project since I realize I'm not being very clear. Thanks again for your help!

Ah, okay, now I see what you're getting at.

All you need to do is create a new RobotCollection . Then use its FindByName method to find robots matching the names users search for, and each Robot the method returns has a ConnectsToRobots property that tells you which other robots are "connected" to it.

That should be all you need to get the data for your assignment.

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