Hey all

I have to display organizational hierarchy or my company but it is quite hectic job... Can any one help me out. At this stage I am able to show for only upto 50 nodes but when I start adding nodes dynamically it gives out of bound exception can any one tell me an easy way or tool to do this. I have tried by generating dynamic labels for each employee but it not easy to handle and also gives a very untidy look please help me in this problem..

Any Tutorial or source code available on net will be helpful.

Thanks in Advance

Did you use a TreeView control?

No I supposed to do it without using treeview (as per requirements)

So, perhaps you could use a sort of flowchart style, like you can do in Excel.
This is an article that may help.

Is this helpfull or don't you care?

sorry for late reply i was trying to manage it some how and I can now display the hierarchy by problem is to show a large number of data and I couldn't find a way to apply collapse and expand feature in the generated chart I have used this link any suggestions? Currently i am showing the tree upto level 1 and subtree of any employee on click event

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