Im trying to make a program that has a base class Account and a class ,Savings , that inherits from it.
however i keep getting an error that says expected class name before { token
and it shows it where i wrote

class Savings : public account

there is obviously a class name there so why is it showing this error, its driving me crazy

anyone know what the problem is
here is the code:


#ifndef ACCOUNT_H
#define ACCOUNT_H

// No description
class Account
		// class constructor
		Account(int, double);
		// class destructor
		void operator+=(double);
        void operator-=(double);
         void setAccountNum(int);
         int getAccountNum();
         void setbalance(double);
         double getbalance();
            int AccountNum;
            double balance;	


// Class automatically generated by Dev-C++ New Class wizard

#include "account.h" // class's header file

// class constructor
Account::Account(int accnum, double accbalance)

void Account::setAccountNum(int num)
  AccountNum = num;
int Account::getAccountNum()
  return AccountNum;                      
void Account::setbalance(double sbalance)
    balance = sbalance;               
double Account::getbalance()
  return balance;
void Account::operator+=(double num)
   double accountbalance;
   accountbalance = getbalance();                        
   accountbalance += num;


void Account::operator-=(double num)
   double accountbalance;
   accountbalance = getbalance();                        
   accountbalance -= num;

// class destructor
	// insert your code here


// Class automatically generated by Dev-C++ New Class wizard

#ifndef SAVINGS_H
#define SAVINGS_H
#include "account.h" // inheriting class's header file

// No description
class Savings : public account
		// class constructor
		// class destructor

#endif // SAVINGS_H


// Class automatically generated by Dev-C++ New Class wizard

#include "savings.h" // class's header file

// class constructor
	// insert your code here

// class destructor
	// insert your code here

Try capital 'A' instead of lowercased 'a', in class Savings : public Account{...}

I tried that bu then i get errors saying
no matching function to call Account::Account
note: candidates are Account::Account(const Account&)
note: Account::Account(int, double)

You have not provided the default constructor Account::Account(), and it seems something wants it.

just curious, did you copy all the code for your account header?

It appears to be missing #endif which would explain why it can't find the constructor

the #endif is there, it must have been cut off when i copied it

Did you try the suggestion given by @Moschops

My teacher showed me the correction
had to make Savings(int, double) to match Account
thank you all for responding

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