What are the all possible function signatures of C.

There are an infinite number of function signatures.

There are an infinite number of function signatures.

oooopss, :(
In tokenizer I try to identify functions using its signature thats the problem I faced. Are there any solutions to do this task ?

Semantic analysis is minimal at the lexing stage. You don't need to recognize function signatures, only the tokens that make it up. Off the top of my head, I can only think of one place in the lexical analyzer for C where context is potentially important, and that's in header name strings for an include directive. The rules for string contents are different, so knowing that it's a header name provides enough context to apply the different rules.

Semantic analysis is minimal at the lexing stage. You don't need to recognize function signatures, only the tokens that make it up. Off the top of my head, I can only think of one place in the lexical analyzer for C where context is potentially important, and that's in header name strings for an include directive. The rules for string contents are different, so knowing that it's a header name provides enough context to apply the different rules.

Thanks dear friend you give me some idea how to do this thanks a lot dude. I will try.

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