Hello ,
i had decided to make my academic project in digital signer ,so i surf net for it and got a sample. its main aims is ti sign only one pdf..so i decided to make the application to sign all pdf which r there in a folder,i had done all the changes, i but i come accross an error which i am not able to solve, plz help me out there is only a few day left for my project submission ..
if any one want i can mail u the source code to your id plz , help me out i am in grt trouble now..plzzz

as soon as possible

thnx but i had solved it......but now i am tackling with the new problem , i want the user to check the item in checklistbox and then he will put the email is of his cleint where he want to send the sign document can u help me out ...i decided to use pop3 4 this , plz provide code 4 better understanding, thnx ...

hey ... can u pls send me ur source so that as per ur project i will make u better help .... nd give u the appropirate code

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