im trying to do a sort for the array structure records that i have entered...
so far i've tried to use a book to do the coding...but im lost.. can anyone tell me if im on the right track or where im going wrong!!!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>

void filewrite(void);
void fileprint(struct tuple *myDB);
void quicksort(struct tuple *myDB,FILE *fp, int left, int right);
// Idea here is to enter an array of structures
// write them to disk and read them back

// simple structure
struct tuple {
	char artist[50];
	char album[50];
	char label[50];
	char year[4];
	char type[30];

void filewrite(void) {
	// file pointer
	FILE *fp;
	// structures
	struct tuple myDB[3];
	struct tuple otherDB[3];
	// variable needed
	int i;
	fp = fopen("mymusic.txt","wb");
	while(i) {	
		printf("Enter the artist name: \n");
		printf("Enter the album: \n");
		printf("Enter label name: \n");
		printf("Enter year: \n");
		printf("Enter the type of music: \n");
		fprintf(fp, "%s     %s     %s     %d     %s\n",myDB[i].artist, myDB[i].album, myDB[i].label,myDB[i].year,myDB[i].type);
		printf("\n\n press 1 to continue,0 to stop");
	// don't forget to close the file

void quicksort(struct tuple *myDB,FILE *fp, int left, int right)

if((fp=fopen("mymusic.txt", "rb+")) ==NULL) {
	printf("Cannot Open File For Read/Write.\n");
	printf("Sorting disk file.\n");
	quick_disk(fp, cd);
	printf("List Sorted.\n");
	/*A QuickSort For File.*/
	void quick_disk(FILE *fp, int count)
	qs_disk(fp, 0, count-1);
	void qs_disk(FILE *fp, int left, int right)
		int i,j;
		char x[100];
		i=left; j=right;
	//	strcpy(x, myDB[i].year(fp,(int)(i+j)/2));/*get the middle zip*/
	do {
		while(strcmp(myDB[i].year(fp,i),x)<0 && i<right) i++;
		while(strcmp(myDB[i].year(fp,j),x)>0 && j>left) j--;
		if(i<=j) {
			swap_all_fields(fp, i, j);
			i++; j--;
	  } while(i<=j);
	  if(left<j) qs_disk(fp, left, (int) j);
	  if(i<right) qs_disk(fp, (int) i, right);
	 void swap_all_fields(FILE *fp, int i, int j)
	 	char a[sizeof(cd)], b[sizeof(cd)];
		/*first read in record i and j */
	fseek(fp, sizeof(cd)*i, SEEK_SET);
	fread(a, sizeof(cd), 1, fp);
	fseek(fp, sizeof(cd)*j, SEEK_SET);
	fread(b, sizeof(cd), 1, fp);
	/*then write them back in opposite slots*/
	fseek(fp, sizeof(cd)*j, SEEK_SET);
	fwrite(a, sizeof(cd), 1, fp);
	fseek(fp, sizeof(cd)*i, SEEK_SET);
	fwrite(b, sizeof(cd), 1, fp);

int main(void){
		int c;

     printf("GIVE CHOICE--\n");
     printf("   1 TO CD Information\n");
     printf("   2 TO Print Data On Screen\n");
     printf("   6 TO EXIT\n\n--");
	 case 1:
	 case 2:
	 case 6:


Also will it be possible for me to add a critical count, analysis purposes to this sorting??

if you want a binary file, when you are reading/writing it wrong. Notice how much easer this is than writing/reading in text mode?

// write a record
fwrite(&myDB[i], 1, sizeof(MyDB[i]), fp);

// read a record
fread(&myDB[i], 1, sizeof(MyDB[i]), fp);

Does your program even compile correctly? It looks like you have functions inside functions, and possibly undeclared variables -- like cd.

Suggestion, use qsort of stdlib.h (I think)...
you only need to write the compare function and specify the struct size.

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