This should display 5 lines of code that say "test", yet I am only getting 4 and it is never reaching zero, since the output never displays, "the test is over". What is wrong with this implementation? I am quite sure it's an error in my next() function.

Any help would be great.
Thanks in advance!

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

class CountDown
  public: //Application Programmer Interface
	CountDown(int start); // it is set to start
	void next(); // subtracts one from it
	bool end()const; //
	int it;

CountDown::CountDown(int start)
    it = 0;
    it = start;

void CountDown::next()
    it = it - 1;

bool CountDown::end() const
    if (it <= 0)
    cout << "The countdown is now over" << endl;

int main()
	for( CountDown i = 5 ; ! i.end();
		std::cerr << "test\n";


CountDown::end() doesn't return anything yet you declared it to return bool. That makes you a liar. ;)

for( CountDown i = 5 ; ! i.end();
std::cerr << "test\n";

CountDown::end() function checks if it has reached 0 but not returns a boolean value. You must return true if it is zero in order to use it with the for loop above.

== nevermind ==

Lol gotta love geek humor, pretty sad I even laugh at myself when I find myself in a bad case of mislogicitus.

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