hi guys i know this is just a very simple but i do not know to get started..
im developing a loan mng't system wherein the starting application of the customer say for example today. 06/08/2011, the initial payment will be on 08/08/2011.. how am i going to that do on sql server 2005? any help pls.. thanks

Maonths.Add function u have to use

Sorry i was wrong. here is the code.

select dateadd(month,2,getdate())

SELECT DATEADD(MONTH,2,'06/08/2011')

will give you your answer...

Hi Sandeep,

I also gave the same answer right? I just said Getdate() instead of exact date.

yes. its the same.. but i thought he would understand quickly that way.. :)

Simplest way is

TextBox2.Text = DateTime.Parse(TextBox1.Text).Date.AddMonths(2)

TextBox2.Text= Where you need the output
TextBox1.Text= Where user enters date

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