Hi Guys,

Need a bit of advice, I developing a GUI of a system which was designed as a console
application. With few options in visual studio like windows forms (VB.NET), MFC and wxwidgets am not sure as to what would be appropriate to use and plus I have very limited time to do this.

The actual console application is developed in visual C++.

Please advice!

Thanks in advance.

You could use any of them, but IMO Windows Forms (CLR/C++) or C# would be easiest to port that console program. If you want the program to be cross platform on both MS-Windows and *nix then wsWidgets might be better.

You could use any of them, but IMO Windows Forms (CLR/C++) or C# would be easiest to port that console program. If you want the program to be cross platform on both MS-Windows and *nix then wsWidgets might be better.

Thanks for the reply! How difficult is it to port console application into windows form? Since its written in C++ (console) My experience in windows form is quite limited..........

Depends on the console app, how difficult is it to take an existing house and convert it to a 4 star hotel?? In one extreme you will have to tear it down and start all over from scratch.

Depends on the console app, how difficult is it to take an existing house and convert it to a 4 star hotel?? In one extreme you will have to tear it down and start all over from scratch.

Well true :D
I will start by doing few tutorials in windows form c++
and take it on from there.

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