Hello, i have tried many solution for solving this problem. I want to passing field in database to list view with stored procedure. Any Body please help me

Table A

  • name
  • Sex

and stored procedure just (select * from [A])

how i can pass the field to list view

Let me see if I got this straight. You want to retrieve data from a stored procedure and display them using a list view.

Show us what you've done already and we'll help you get it done.

I have done

connection to sql


Public Function selectAllTblTDL() As SqlDataReader
            connectionDB = New controller.connection
            myCommand = New SqlCommand("selectAllTblTDL", connectionDB.openConnection(retMessage))
            result = myCommand.ExecuteReader

            Return result

        End Function


Those are my function and store procedure, i have done it. And now i want to passing it to listview1

I have solved problem, thanks all

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