I am working with genetic programming for classification techniques in data mining.

I am not very much clear about how to perform genetic programming in C.

Can i please get some sample code of genetic programming... An example program for any application would be fine. I just need some reference and it is nowhere available.

Awaiting some help...

I am working with genetic programming for classification techniques in data mining.

I am not very much clear about how to perform genetic programming in C.

Can i please get some sample code of genetic programming... An example program for any application would be fine. I just need some reference and it is nowhere available.

Awaiting some help...

Is the problem that you're not clear on what genetic programming is, or that you don't know how you'd implement a genetic algorithm in C?

If it's the former, start reading about GP.

If it's the latter, do you have any specific questions?

No i'm aware about genetic programming basics... But not about how to implement "Genetic Programming" in C language...

In that case, which aspect of GP is giving you trouble? Have you written any code yet?

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