Hi All,

I want to make the output "u = u + alpha*d_k" at the very end of this code an input, i.e., as an argument of the function "f(u)" at the beginning of the code, in every iteration. Note that I have posted only part of the code which can easily aid in explaining the problem.

Anyone with idea how to do this?

""" """
from numpy import *
from math import *
from scitools.std import *

N = 1001
M = 200
dx  = 2*pi/M    
a = 1.0
dt = 0.0005
Eps = 10e-8
alpha = 0.25 
U = zeros(M); w = zeros(M); z = zeros(M)

u = fromfunction(u_initial_function,(M,)) 

def f(u):
	return u

v = 0.5*(f(u))**2

def Initialize(v):

	return v

#Solve for 
def Evolve_vs(u,v):
	vs = zeros((M,), float32)
	for k in range (1, M-1):	
		vs[k] =  Eps/(Eps -dt)*(v[k] - (dt/Eps)*0.5*(u[k])**2)
		vs[0] = vs[1]
		vs[M-1] =vs[M-2]	
	return vs

def Evolve_u1(u,v):
	u1 = zeros((M,), float32)
	vs = Evolve_vs(u,v)
	for k in range (1, M-1):	
		u1[k] =  u[k]-0.5*(dt/dx)*(vs[k+1] - vs[k-1]) + 0.5*(dt/dx)*sqrt(a)*(u[k+1] - 2*u[k] + u[k-1])
		u1[0] = u1[1]
		u1[M-1] = u1[M-2]	
	return u1

def Evolve_v1(u,v):
	v1 = zeros((M,), float32)
	vs = Evolve_vs(u,v)
	for k in range (1, M-1):
		v1[k] = vs[k] - 0.5*(dt/dx)*a*(u[k+1] - u[k-1]) + 0.5*(dt/dx)*(a/sqrt(a))*(vs[k+1] - 2*vs[k] + vs[k-1])
		v1[0] = v1[1]
		v1[M-1] = v1[M-2]
	return v1

for n in xrange(N):
	u = f(Evolve_u1(u,v))
	v = Initialize(Evolve_v1(u,v))

#Solve backward problem
q_T = v	
p_T = u				

def V_T(q_T):

	return q_T

def U_T(p_T): 
	return p_T

def EvolveV_T(q_T):
	q_ns = zeros((M,), float32)
	for k in xrange (M-2, 0,-1):

		q_ns[k] = (Eps/(Eps+dt))*q_T[k] + (Eps/(Eps+dt))*(dt/(2.*dx))*(p_T[k+1] - p_T[k-1]) + (Eps/(Eps+dt))*(dt*a/(2.*dx))*(q_T[k+1] - 2.*q_T[k] + q_T[k-1])
		q_ns[0] = q_ns[1]
		q_ns[M-1] = q_ns[M-2]
	return q_ns

def EvolveU_T(p_T):
	q_s = EvolveV_T(q_T)
	p_ns = zeros((M,), float32)
	for k in range (M-2, 0,-1):

		p_ns[k] = p_T[k] + (dt/Eps)*q_s[k]*(p_T[k]) + 0.5*(a**2)*(dt/dx)*(q_T[k+1] - q_T[k-1]) + 0.5*a*(dt/dx)*(p_T[k+1] - 2.*p_T[k] + p_T[k-1])
		p_ns[0] = p_ns[1]
		p_ns[M-1] = p_ns[M-2]
	return p_ns

for n in xrange(N-1,-1, -1):			
	p_T = U_T(EvolveU_T(p_T))
	q_T = V_T(EvolveV_T(q_T))

#Solve the optimal value by perturbing u						

def gradient():						

	I =  sum(dx*(abs(u - target))*p_T)
	return I

if __name__=="__main__":

			while abs(gradient()) >= Eps:
				d_k  = -gradient()
				u = u + alpha*d_k

I have no idea what you mean by your question. How is line 145 now an "output"? It looks like a calculation. There's no print statement, no return statement so nothing is being put "out".

What do you man "make it an input"? Input is data that comes into the program from somewhere (file, keyboard, ...).

You could call f with the value of the calculation on line 145: f(u+alpha*d_k) but your f function is pretty useless as shown; though I suppose that is a simplification of the real f .

Thank you griswolf. By Input, I meant the value of u = fromfunction(u_initial_function,(M,)) to be updated/replaced by u = u+alpha*d_k in every iteration. Sorry for such a confusion.

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