hi this is my first qery here.i joined a software company.my stream is .net
i am from a maths background,id dontknow any thing at allabout c and c++.i joined a crsh course in c and completed nearly 60%.what topics should i stress in c and c++ so that i can learn well .plz help me ,i asked my sir,he told me u can learn c# directly.but i cant follow him.my syallabus i going at rocket speed .iwant get par with my syallabus

Maybe you should join a local user group so you can work directly with people of varying levels of expertise.

Be consistent in your question as the topic title tells us you are new to C#, but you are asking question about C/C++. C# is a .NET language run on the microsoft .NET framework and does have nothing to do with C/C++, it only resembles the syntax of C

there is a book called C# the complete reference by Herbert Schildt, i seriously recommend this author for i learned java using his Java the complete reference book.

dont worry frnd.i m also a non major student i complete my studies with MBA,msc cs and it. its not a problem.i m in knowldge about csharp frnd.if may further details

hey buddy,
dont worry, u can learn c# urself.
just need to know bit concept of c++. if u know this no need to go any classes.
its such very easy nd sense programming lang. on the microsoft platform.
one suggestion.
if u really want to learn c#. start to develop projects on that. may be u will get some difficulty,but through that u can learn more easily.

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