I'm currently trying to figure out how I can get the information in ASE file and put it in my own arrays.
Heres an example of ASCII scene export:

*COMMENT "AsciiExport Version  2,00 - Fri Aug 26 13:58:27 2011"
	*SCENE_BACKGROUND_STATIC 0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
	*SCENE_AMBIENT_STATIC 0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
	*NODE_NAME "Box01"
		*NODE_NAME "Box01"
		*INHERIT_POS 0 0 0
		*INHERIT_ROT 0 0 0
		*INHERIT_SCL 0 0 0
		*TM_ROW0 1.0000	0.0000	0.0000
		*TM_ROW1 0.0000	1.0000	0.0000
		*TM_ROW2 0.0000	0.0000	1.0000
		*TM_ROW3 1.6543	1.0676	0.0000
		*TM_POS 1.6543	1.0676	0.0000
		*TM_ROTAXIS 0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
		*TM_ROTANGLE 0.0000
		*TM_SCALE 1.0000	1.0000	1.0000
		*TM_SCALEAXIS 0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
	*MESH {
			*MESH_VERTEX    0	-6.6457	-6.1364	0.0000
			*MESH_VERTEX    1	9.9542	-6.1364	0.0000
			*MESH_VERTEX    2	-6.6457	8.2717	0.0000
			*MESH_VERTEX    3	9.9542	8.2717	0.0000
			*MESH_VERTEX    4	-6.6457	-6.1364	19.1817
			*MESH_VERTEX    5	9.9542	-6.1364	19.1817
			*MESH_VERTEX    6	-6.6457	8.2717	19.1817
			*MESH_VERTEX    7	9.9542	8.2717	19.1817
			*MESH_FACE    0:    A:    0 B:    2 C:    3 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 2 	*MESH_MTLID 1
			*MESH_FACE    1:    A:    3 B:    1 C:    0 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 2 	*MESH_MTLID 1
			*MESH_FACE    2:    A:    4 B:    5 C:    7 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 3 	*MESH_MTLID 0
			*MESH_FACE    3:    A:    7 B:    6 C:    4 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 3 	*MESH_MTLID 0
			*MESH_FACE    4:    A:    0 B:    1 C:    5 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 4 	*MESH_MTLID 4
			*MESH_FACE    5:    A:    5 B:    4 C:    0 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 4 	*MESH_MTLID 4
			*MESH_FACE    6:    A:    1 B:    3 C:    7 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 5 	*MESH_MTLID 3
			*MESH_FACE    7:    A:    7 B:    5 C:    1 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 5 	*MESH_MTLID 3
			*MESH_FACE    8:    A:    3 B:    2 C:    6 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 6 	*MESH_MTLID 5
			*MESH_FACE    9:    A:    6 B:    7 C:    3 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 6 	*MESH_MTLID 5
			*MESH_FACE   10:    A:    2 B:    0 C:    4 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 7 	*MESH_MTLID 2
			*MESH_FACE   11:    A:    4 B:    6 C:    2 AB:    1 BC:    1 CA:    0	 *MESH_SMOOTHING 7 	*MESH_MTLID 2
			*MESH_TVERT 0	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 1	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 2	0.0000	1.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 3	1.0000	1.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 4	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 5	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 6	0.0000	1.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 7	1.0000	1.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 8	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 9	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 10	0.0000	1.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TVERT 11	1.0000	1.0000	0.0000
			*MESH_TFACE 0	9	11	10
			*MESH_TFACE 1	10	8	9
			*MESH_TFACE 2	8	9	11
			*MESH_TFACE 3	11	10	8
			*MESH_TFACE 4	4	5	7
			*MESH_TFACE 5	7	6	4
			*MESH_TFACE 6	0	1	3
			*MESH_TFACE 7	3	2	0
			*MESH_TFACE 8	4	5	7
			*MESH_TFACE 9	7	6	4
			*MESH_TFACE 10	0	1	3
			*MESH_TFACE 11	3	2	0

And I want to fill:

long verteces_number;
Vertex *verteces = new Vertex[verteces_number];
struct Vertex
int x,y,z;

I can't work good with Strings and file streams(yeah sounds strange but I\m self learning student) and maybe thats why I can't do it.
I hope someone can help me.

The method you use to parse this file sincerely depends on how you will use it after it is parsed.

You could just read it into a string array or you could parse it into structs or objects.

What version of C++ are you using and what do you need to do with the data after you read it from the file?

I'm using Visual C++ 2008.
I've studied C++ alone thats why I'm missing some things.
I want to take the values in the text file and then put it in my Vertex struct so I can then create my vertex buffer. After this is done I think I'll be able to do my index buffer alone.

OK. I see, though, you have a very large ASE file, but a small struct to store it.
Do you only want part of the data in the struct or all of it?

The struct contains 3 integers, but very little in the ASE file will fit that format.

What are the values from the .ASE you want to keep?

Ok, I'm not so good with english so for better understanding I'll sort it:
1. I want to get the number of vertices and put the value in

long verteces_number;

2. I want to move through all vertices and get their X, Y and Z coordinates. Then I want to put these coords in my array of type Vertex.

class Vertex
long x,y,z;

//normals, colors, etc. But I'll be able to fill them after I got how to do it with coords :S
*MESH_VERTEX 0 -6.6457 -6.1364 0.0000
*MESH_VERTEX 1 9.9542 -6.1364 0.0000
*MESH_VERTEX 2 -6.6457 8.2717 0.0000
*MESH_VERTEX 3 9.9542 8.2717 0.0000
*MESH_VERTEX 4 -6.6457 -6.1364 19.1817
*MESH_VERTEX 5 9.9542 -6.1364 19.1817
*MESH_VERTEX 6 -6.6457 8.2717 19.1817
*MESH_VERTEX 7 9.9542 8.2717 19.1817

After I see how to do this (and something else if this will make my life easier) I'll be able to get everything else I need alone.

Thanks for still reading my brocker english :?

I found how to do it.
If some1 else have the same problem, go & check how to read a text file line by line and stringstream reference.

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