Hi Everyone,

I have an existing VB6 application distributed to client using the Microsoft Visual Studio Installer 1.1 (VSI). The .Msi file has been installed by the client.

Subsequently, I have changed the VB6 code and need to give the client an upgrade. The upgrade consists of 2 files ...

A) The new .exe file(to replace the existing one).
B) An .ocx file to be copied to the client's windows directory.

I do not want to uninstall and deploy a fresh .Msi.

Is it possible to create something like a "Patch1.Msi" or "Patch1.Msm" file or similar? VSI doesn't seem to have some way to do upgrades.

Thank you.

I'd be interested in knowing this as well. :)

But, depending upon what security protocols your client has placed on thier computer your upgrade may be as simple as writing an AutoRun that overwrites the existing files.

The exe would be in the install directory and the ocx is probably in [Windows] [System32]

But, I'd try it on a non-critical machine before I committed it to a client.

This should be fairly easy *IF* the user used a the standard location for the install directory and *if* the win sys32 folder is not locked out.

If the installer registered the product in a registry location other than the VB/VBA area then you wouldn't be able to query the registry (using your own VB applet) for the actual install location...

Hope this triggers some ideas. :)

You should have two codes listed in the Product Information Tab of the Properties Menu for your program: (1) the Product Code, and (2) the Upgrade Code. Microsoft says that you should change the product code, but leave the Upgrade Code the same.

This allows newer versions of the MSI (1.1 or higher) to uninstall older versions of the program and replace them with newer components. When you change controls, the installer picks up the changed version also.

However, for the VB6 environment, I don't believe there exists any such animal as a patch. This makes installing upgrades for VB6 programs larger than necessary in some instances.

Thanks to both of you for the reply.

SpiritualMadMan: The client is given a choice by the installer to install in a location of his choice. I could just have made a batch file (.bat) if it were otherwise.


for the VB6 environment, I don't believe there exists any such animal as a patch. This makes installing upgrades for VB6 programs larger than necessary in some instances.

You are probably right! I'm open to alternative suggestions/opinions.

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