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I must have a bad version of Microsofts C++ compiler. When I try the rounding it doesn't work. For example.

float salesTotal =6.010002;
salesTotal = (((int)((salesTotal*100)+.5))/100.0);
// I realize I have plenty of parentheses.

results in a value of 6.010002 stored in the variable.
I have an academic version of Visual Studio .NET.
Any ideas?

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Blame it on anything other than your own incompetence...

I like the way you think. :eek:

float t=6.0023;


Does that work?

>I must have a bad version of Microsofts C++ compiler.
Yea, that's it exactly. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

>Does that work?
No, it doesn't. Casting a floating-point value to an integral value truncates rather than rounds. The precision will be lopped off, leaving the whole value unchanged. This works though:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
  double d = 6.0025;

  cout.precision ( 4 );
  cout<< d <<'\n';

Here is another way to round (maybe) the internal representation of a float.

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